New Dawn Associates (NDA) is a business consultancy whose purpose is value capture for clients.
NDA collaborates with clients enabling them to:
INNOVATE through both design and analytical thinking to generate value
Ensuring outstanding results via a capability to lead strategic thinking
INVIGORATE people to act based on insight from inspiration, imagination and information
Establishing winning teams, motivated to improve performance and competence
INTEGRATE by orchestrating the ensemble of performers and dialogue that is fit for purpose
Engendering a commitment to strong collaboration and positive influencing
The overall approach adopted by NDA is one of Co-creation with its clients to Create and ensure Capture of Value by its clients.
Value Capture is a function of Value Generated, an organisation may contribute to the generation of significant value, but miss-out on their fair share of it, as others capture it.
Value Generation is a function of the Value Created (typically, revenue earned), the Value Surrendered (costs incurred) and the Value Destroyed (materialized risks).
NDA co-creates with its clients, value capture capabilities, by focusing on all or a subset of the elements, at the level of granularity, indicated by the client’s circumstances, drawing on:
- experience accumulated consulting to blue-chip organisations across numerous industries, including banking, insurance, telecommunications, airlines, resources, FMCG, manufacturing, utilities and service in UK, Australia and South Africa
- engagements to deliver strategy formulation, enterprise transformation, performance improvement, change management, leadership development and technology leverage
Some examples of our Value Oriented Frameworks
Helping you to Generate and Capture Value
Our global partners that unlock access to resources for you